

Monday, October 24, 2011

YouTube Creator Playbook: Teaches you how to build a successful and profitable YouTube channel

The very first edition of the YouTube Creator Playbook is out. This has been developed and created by YouTube to help content creators like yourself. People who have created and run successful YouTube channels have made this their business. There is a lot of money to be made if you can create great content and videos. YouTube has this new playbook to help you. Some of the tips given include creating a video a week. This is important because if you have a large number of subscribers then a good video every week adds to your credibility and as the word spreads you will get more fans, subscribers and followers.

Another thing to remember is to interact with your community. You have subscribers on your YouTube channel who are leaving comments, it's a good idea to interact with your community. There are a lot of tips and tricks to help you build great videos and a great channel on YouTube. If you are one of those people who want to make a career out of creating content or you simple like making videos. Then this is one ebook you might want to go through. As YouTube shares some of the best practices and ideas that make people successful on YouTube. If you search on Google you will find people who have been successful on YouTube that they have been able to give up their jobs and concentrate on just this fun thing.

Another tip that comes out of this book is the fact that you need to tell your subscribes when to expect a new video. And the best YouTube channel to illustrate this is the illustrious Ray William Johnson's channel.  

Download the Playbook now.  Source: YouTube blog

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