

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chill lets you watch fun videos with freinds

Chill: How does it work

Chill is a cool site that lets you and your buddies watch videos together. Once you connect with Facebook you will be ready to set up your video room. This kind of works like turntable.fm, meaning you can set up a video room and people can watch your videos. There is also a like and dislike button for users to give feedback and live comment system to enable you to chat with your audience. There is a lot of interaction with the audience. Once you connect you can join any room or decide to start your own. The room looks like a theater with a big screen in the center. You can choose an avatar and you're set to go.

If you do decide to start a room you can then watch videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Justin.tv, Ustream, Livestream, Twitch.tv, and YouTube Live with your pals. So once you set up your room there is a lot of interaction to keep you busy, real-time chat, points, avatars, like and dislike button. A cool place to chill with your friends. 

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