

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Contently: Helping Journalists and Bloggers make money

Contently: How does it work

There is a strong reason for the founders of contently to come up with it. You can sum the whole thing up in the basic philosophy - that large companies always need quality content to be produced regarding their products. One of the best ways to get news out about your company or product is to get people to writ about it and speak about it. One of the best ways to get people chatting about your product is to get a journalist or a blogger - especially one that is well know to write about it. Now getting in touch with a known blogger or journalist can be quiet a tough job and sometimes time consuming. That's why Contently - what it does is connect Bloggers and Journalists with large companies who are in need of content. 

There seems to be a never ending supply of services and goods that are being rolled out everyday. There would be no point to it if there was no one to spread the word. It is also not just about spreading the word and getting people to write about it. Quality plays a very important role in this whole thing. 

So if you are a Blogger or a Journalist you can join Contently right now to showcase your stuff and if you are really good you will get some good writing assignments and make money.  

If you represent a large company that Contently will help you find the best writer. Knowing what you need written, contently can actually zero down on the best writer who is best suited for your assignment. 

An original post by


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