

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Facebook hack causes users to panic and put up notes on their profiles

The news that Facebook has been hacked and pornographic images showing up on your profile have caused some users to panic and start spreading the word. The news of the hack is that after the compromise your account could get hacked and porn images will show up and messages that could potentially embarrass you. Facebook has acknowledged the problem on Monday and says that the way this happened was that users were somehow tricked into copying and pasting malicious code into their browser bars. Once this was done hackers could gain easy access to their victim's profiles and paste whatever they want. Facebook have said that the accounts from where these hacks have been originating have been shut done. There have been many threats in the past especially when Anonymous threatened to shutdown the service because of the way Facebook handles privacy.

When I logged-in to Facebook today this is what i saw posted on my friends news feed. So if you see the same think posted on your friends profiles you know why it's there and where it has been originating from.

Hackers are busy on Facebook!!! They post some insulting messages and pornographic videos and pictures on the wall of your friends with your regards, without you knowing about it. You cannot see it, it does not come up in your news feed. If you receive one of those messages in my name, it isn't from me. Put this on your wall and warn your friends. Share the news

An original post by


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