

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Google Street View goes indoors in the US, Australia and Japan

Sarastro, London

Interested small business owners on the US, Australia and Japan can now invite Google Street View into their establishments and get great pictures taken. These images are then uploaded and used on Google Maps and Street View on maps. This will work really well especially for restaurant owners. Who will be able to get high-quality pictures of their establishments onto Google maps and people looking for a place to go to can then find them more easily. It is also being called Google's Business Street View. Currently Google is only inviting restaurants, hotels, shops, gyms and vehicle repair workshops and Big Brands are being excluded for the time being.

Google does however ask small business owners to put up signs telling their customers that the Google Street View team will be arriving to take 360-degree imagery. This is to ensure no one is surprised. There is also another reason, Google says that there will be no additions and what you see is what you get. Therefore the place needs to be as it is with no extra additions or subtractions.

To view photos collected from businesses you will need to visit Google Places

How do I invite Google Street View to photograph my business

Source: Google Blog

Check the video from Newsy below to learn more.

An original post by


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