

Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to delete my Blogger Blog

Blogger is a fantastic platform to create and run a blog. it is fast fun and easy. You can create blogs to share with family, write about interesting things. There are also a lot of bloggers who use Blogger to generate quiet a bit of income. So anyways if you have a bog that you would like to now delete since you are done with it. Blogger offers a fast and easy way to delete your blog and it will also get wiped clean off the internet. 

How to delete my blog on Blogger
1. Login to Blogger
2. Make sure you have selected the right blog you want to delete. As many users have multiple blogs
3. Click on settings
4. Click on Delete Blog 
5. Confirm hat this is the blog you would like to delete
6. You're done

Your blog will be wiped clean of the internet and you can concentrate only on the blogs you want to work on.

An original post by


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