

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to recover from Google Panda

This is for website and blog owners who might have been affected by Google's algorithm update know as 'Panda'. When Panda was released Google had said that 35% of search results would be affected. Which means that website and blog owners who were enjoying a lot of traffic coming from Google could now be affected in terms of less traffic coming from the search engine. Most sites and blogs depend on Google to bring visitors to their sites and with Google's latest search engine update known as panda or Farmer some or many sites could have been affected.

With this update Google has been trying to bring better quality content to it's users and therefore trying to weed out bad quality content. One of the issues the updated tries to address is the problem of 'Scrapes'. Now if you own a blog or site you will know Scrapers are other websites that scrape your site and RSS feed for fresh content and then display it as their own. This will effect your quality content if there is no canonical information related to your original post.

There is however no need for concern or worry as Matt from the Google team says the fix is fairly simple. Go to the root of the problem. 'Poor Quality Content' - if you find on your site stuff that is of low quality and does not deserve to be there anymore you should get rid of it. Yes - it is better to delete poor content rather than keep it. The old saying 'A few rotten apples can spoil the basket' now makes a lot more sense. Concentrate on high quality content and Google will take care of the rest.

The message is very clear and simple - the people with the best content need to be rewarded. If you are that person who is working hard to get the best content out there, then there is no need or any cause for concern. Spend more time in producing content and don't bother about fighting scrapers. There are always going to find ways to steal other people's content. Produce your best stuff and Google will find ways to deal with scrapes.

An original post by


1 comment:

  1. The Google updates have been a blessing for most sites. Relevancy and consistency seem to be getting results from Google these days. As long as people maintain an active blog presence they should be reaping the benefits of the changes.
