

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Justin Bieber first to cross 2 Billion views on YouTube

Justin Bieber's YouTubeVEVO channel is the first to cross the 2 billion mark. This makes him the first person to have so many views and the first artist to cross the 2 billion milestone. Lady Gag was the previous artists who achieved the  1billion total uploaded views no YouTube. Justin now holds the record for crossing the 2 billion mark. This sudden surge of views was because of the release of his song release of the singer's Christmas son 'Mistletoe'. 

This record is not all that rosy because some of his videos have made it to the most 'Disliked Videos on YouTube' in this record he stands second only to Rebecca Black and her song 'Friday' which received way more dislikes that likes. In fact Justine's video 'Baby' has a .488 like to dislike ration, which means that for every like there are two dislikes. Many of his videos attract trolls who simply like to hate whatever he does. There are enough hate 'Justin Bieber' pages on Facebook to show that he is liked only by his Belibers. To check this out just check out his song 'Baby', and you will get a fair idea. 

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