

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moustair Meme [Pics)

If you're wondering what Moustair means well it is a person's face with their face again. The difference in the second face is that their face meets the original mustache. So face meets mustache and on and on. These images seem to be spreading like wildfire all over the net. You get to see them on Facebook, Twitter and Facebook and if you're wondering where these weird and crazy images are originating from, well they have a tumblr page which is http://moustair.tumblr.com/. Go here to see all these weird and interesting images. I personally do not like them as they look a little creepy but many users on the internet find them cool and there is now a lot of chatter surrounding these images. Check out the images below and you get the point. Please leave a comment with what you think.

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