

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pancake.io will let you build and host your free webpage within Dropbox

Pancake.io is a free service that will allow you to create and build a free website in minutes. The company says that anyone can learn to make a pancake and it is the same with the webpage you can create using Pancake.io. It is free simple and easy. There are many reasons why someone might want to create a webpage. To send out a flier about an upcoming events to their friends etc. This is a simple webapp and easy to use.

How does Pancake.io work

1. Create a text file

2. Save to your special Pancake folder in your Dropbox account

3. Pancake.io will turn this file into a webpage for you.

using this you can create a number of pages and run an entire website with this service. This is definitely one service that needs to be checked out. To join is very easy, signup with your email ID, Pancake.io will request permission to connect to your Dropbox account, accept the same and a new folder is created. Apart from this folder the service will not have access to any of your other files. 

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