

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Path:(Social Network) How does it work

Path is a mobile only social network. That is if you care to have another social network in your life. With path you can keep track of all that you do and share with friends. As this social network works something like a journal. There is also a 150 friend limit, which ensure that only people who matter to your most are a part of your network and there is nothing you can do to lift this limit.


How it works
Path is a mobile App that can be downloaded on your iPhone or Android based phone. Once you download the App you can start adding contacts and begin sharing with them. You can record your thoughts, events and photos throughout the day. The platform is very simple and there are no links, apps or photo galleries. So once you join you can create a path and start sharing by adding photos and adding tags of people places and things. It also has geo-location and can share with people where you are at the present moment  and who you're with. With the new version of Path you can also post music.

With its GPS capabilities the app can automatically tell your pals that you have just landed in a new place. If you want to use and turn on that sharing feature. You can also tell people when your awake and when your sleeping, who you're with and where you are. You can also share quality photos, videos and music. For those of you who like to share on networks like Twitter, Foursquare, and Facebook, you can easily check-in and share stuff. You can also use Path to Tweet directly to Twitter. 

Purpose: To create a safe and personal social network among people who you really trust.

Path is like a personal journal, to record and share things with close friends and family and available on the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android phones. 

Path for iOS
Path for Android

Path for social networking on your mobile device.


  1. This sounds like an awesome new social network. I especially like the emphasis on a 150 friend limit. I am tired of sharing information about my life with people I don't know or really care about. I hope this service becomes popular because it is time for a change.

  2. "There is also a 150 friend limit, which ensure that only people who matter to your most are a part of your network"
    Now this is the unique point, it's really rare and very unique. But in marketing side, this could be a failure because you can't Increase your member connection.
