

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pepper Spray Cop Meme

It all started when Lt. John Pike, the U.C. Davis campus police officer who pepper-sprayed passive student protesters. If you watch the video online you will see that the students were sitting peacefully protesting with their arms entangled and the cop Lt, John Pike casually walks around spraying humans with chemicals. The meme has spread faster that news about the incident would have done and this is something that will shame the officers life forever. America must be the only country in the world that pepper sprays people who are sitting down. 

The meme however has ensure that this incident passes and spreads to all peoples from across the globe. it shows the cops in poor light and total disregard for human rights. Students across the US have photo-shopped the image you can now see the cops spraying everything and everyone. He has also sprayed Jesus Christ and the American constitution.

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