

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The New Google Bar - a quick guide

The black bar that you have become familiar with when visiting Google is going to go and will be replaced with a simple menu. This menu will help guide you through all of Google's services and this is something Google users will need to familiarize themselves with all over again. The new improvements however are simple to use and gives you better navigation. The old navigation bar if goodbye and you can say hello to the new Google bar - It's Google menu along with search and Google+ tools. it keeps the search bar and navigation in the same place across products. You will be able to open Google menu on rollover and will have all the links from the navigation bar and a whole lot more. There will be plenty of flexibility and Google will be able to add a whole lot of new products for quick and easy assess to this feature. 

The whole purpose of the new Google Bar is to make it much more easier to switch through apps and share stuff on the internet. This will be the new way to navigate Google and it seems to have a much cleaner layout and a lot more flexibility. Google+ also seems to be deeply integrated into the design and functionality. Google+ as a platform has been growing and people with large circles seems to be making the most use of the service. The new bar will effortlessly bring all of these Google products together and which will be available with a single click. Watch the video below to learn more and please share your thoughts on the same in the comment section below.

Source: Google Blog

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