

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Top 10 Most Shared Stories on Facebook of 2011

Facebook have released the most shared articles for this year. Take a look at the complete list and you will be amazed as to what really mattered to Facebook users. What trended on Facebook was definitely different from what trended on Twitter and Google+. The most shared news article of 2011 on Facebook was Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami. At no 2 was what teachers really want to tell parents. If you're wondering what they want to tell parents for starters it is that we are educators and not nannies. No 3 was No, your zodiac sign hasn't changed - people were scared that their Zodiac signs had changed but this article reassured them that according to Tropical Astrology nothing has changed since it is linked to the seasons. No 4 was Parents, don't dress your girls like tramps - addressing the issue of your girls being dressed too sexy. No 5 was Father Daughter Dance Medley - a Yahoo video that went viral, a father daughter wedding dance. No 6 At funeral, dog mourns the death of Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan - another small Yahoo article and video which really touched people, showing the dog lying down by the coffin  of his friend and companion  Navy SEAL, Jon Tumilson. No 7 You'll freak when you see the new Facebook - article about the new timeline and ticker that was released in Facebook. It also became a popular meme 'We put a Facebook in your Facebook, so you can Facebook while you Facebook'. No 8 Dog in Japan stays by the side of ailing friend in the rubble - a Yahoo video of a dog refusing to leave the side of another canine. Which was stricken by the disaster. No 9. Giant crocodile captured alive in Philippines. No 10 - New Zodiac Sign Dates: Ophiuchus The 13th Sign?

From the look of things the most poplar stories shared on Facebook have an emotional element attached to them. Stories of love, compassion and bravery are most valued and most shared. 

You can read the complete list here as published by Facebook

An original post by


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