

Friday, December 30, 2011

CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog: Will warm you before you delete or move a file or folder in Outlook

This is Microsoft Outlook App and works within Outlook only. Therefore it cannot be used as a stand alone app. Once you launch Outlook the app is activated and starts to keep a watchful eye whenever you want to delete a file or a folder. It also warns you before you delete a file or folder. This app can be of great help not only to novices who are just starting out with Outlook for for seasoned professionals as well.

How does Code Two Move & Delete Watchdog work.

Images: CodeTwo Watchdog

The way this whole thing is set up is very simple. Each time you drag-and-drop a folder and file you will get s popup asking you to confirm your action. This is helpful because it makes you stop and think about your action and maybe review it. This might be one of those times where you were actually going to drag-and-drop a folder in the wrong place. The same thing happens when you click on delete a file or a folder. The watchdog pops up to tell you that you are about to delete a certain file or a folder. This therefore helps you and saves you a lot of trouble and effort especially when you were about to delete a file or folder that you had previously though to be unimportant. which as it turns out was one that you would have rather have not deleted. Especially important is you have access to public folders.
CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog

An original post by


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