

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Facebook Timeline Cover: How does it work

Your Cover is a larger photo of you meant to be on top of your Facebook Timeline. This image is meant to be a representation of you. Therefore images that meant for commercial purposes are not allowed by Facebook. Therefore images that are meant for promotional activities, promotional or copyright-infringing in any way are not allowed.

Purpose of Facebook Timeline Cover:
This is meant to represent you and according to Facebook the best possible cover would be an image from a life-event of yours. Like a wedding pic, holiday snap or a birthday pic. You images needs to be unique and as individualized as you are. Adds for better viewing and sets the tone of people viewing your Timeline. 

What is the minimum image size allowed
Since your cover is going to stretch right across your Timeline, the image will have to be a minimum of 720p.

What if the image I want to upload is less that 720 pixels
You will get an error message and will not be able to upload the same. 

Who can view my cover
Your Cover is public and therefore anyone visiting your Timeline is able to view your cover. Just like your Profile pictures.

How do I see my old cover photos
To view your old cover photos you would need to
1. Click on your Photos Box above your Timeline
2. Located under your Cover photo
3. Find the 'Timeline Covers Photo Album

How do I add a photo to my Cover
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on 'Add a cover'
3. Click on it and then choose between 'Choose from photos' or 'Upload Photo'. With this option you can choose to either use one of your existing photos on Facebook or upload a new one.
4. Save and you're done

How do I edit my Cover photo
1. Go to your Timeline
2. Hover over your cover image
3. Click on 'change cover' at the bottom left-hand side of your photo
4. Choose from either of these options: upload a new photo, reposition your current cover photo, or delete your cover.
5. Save and you're done

An original post by


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