

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Facebook Timeline: How to change the date of a story, post, image, photo or other updates

while editing and making sure your Timeline appears the way you want it to.You find that a post or a particular story might be in the wrong date. You might actually want it to appear in another month or another years all together. Facebook provides a way for you to change the date of a story or post which coulc include anything from photos to images to videos or any other update found on your Timeline.

To change the date of a Timeline story you would need to:

  1. Hover of the story and then click 

  2. Click  to Change the Date

  3. Enter in a new date and click Confirm to set a new date

Once you change the date on a story your friends will also have the ability to change the date of the story. This is possible if you have tagged them in that photo or video. You can always change back the date whenever you wish.

An original post by


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