

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Google Doodle: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Google Doodle in action.

Whether you like to wish people a 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Holidays' does not really matter. The spirit of the season is what you need to find. Google has released a Doodle to help you do just that. Clicking on the lights just below the figures that represent Google will help it start to play 'Jingle Bells'. You need to keep clicking on the little lights and it will lead you to playing 'Jingle Bells'. Amazing little Doodle from Google.

This interactive Google Doodle is definitely worth the check-out and Google have written a smart write-up about the Doodle which can be found here. These 'Easter Eggs' from Google are becoming really popular and just type 'Christmas' or 'Santa Claus' into Google to find some more goodies in store for you. 

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