

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to claim your Facebook email ID

In case you are wondering what your Facebook mail address is. It would be your Facebook username in front of @facebook.com. So if you public username is www.Facebook.com/abc then your email is automatically abc@facebook.com. You would however need to claim your Facbook mail ID before it becomes operational. Once that's done you can then start using your fb mail ID. If you know your friend's mail IDs then you can also send them mails on Facebook. Which is a really cool feature.

How to claim or get your Facebook mail ID. 

1. Login to Facebook

2. Click on the messages icon on the top right-hand corner. The icon beside the world icon and then click on view all messages. You could also click on the messages link just below favorites when you login to Facebook.

3. Just above your messages you will find the link 'Claim your Facebook mail ID'.

4. Click on it and claim your Facebook email ID

You can now start using this mail ID to give to friends. When your pals mail you the mail comes to messages. when people who are not your friends, the mail goes to other. have fun with your new Facebook mail id.

An original post by


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