

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Use Google applications via SMS text message

This is one cool mobile app feature from Google. There are a number of Google services that you can now use on your phone via SMS text messages. The cool part of this whole thing is that you don't need a smartphone, neither do you need one of the new phones being sold these days. All of this works over on an old feature phone and you can now get your Grandma to use Google on her feature phone. The only condition is that your phone should be able to handle SMS and be able to receive and send texts.

Google SMS Applicaitons: How does it work
1. Google SMS search: to get updates on your favorite topics each time there is something newsworthy
2. Calendar SMS: to check your calendar while you're on the go
3. Blogger SMS: Update your blogger blog even when you're not in front of a PC. Update from your phone.
4. Gmail SMS: to sms or text to your Gmail contacts while you're on the move.
5. Google Voice SMS: send and receive SMS text messages through Google Voice.

How to get started using Google SMS applications on your phone
To signup for the service please click this link http://www.google.com/mobile/sms/ check for your country and then enter your cell phone number. Once registered you can then begin to use Google SMS text message service on your Mobile Phone. 

An original post by


1 comment:

  1. Text Messaging: You can send your announcements, new products, promotions, and discount privileges through texts. You can also conduct a raffle and the customer’s text message could be their entry. This is very easy for you since you just need to send the text message to a bunch of people. You can also have a partnership with some mobile network carrier and help you promote your products and services.(http://www.wire2air.com)
