

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Limit the audience of past posts on Facebook

With Facebook's new Timeline rolling out to everyone slowly. Adjusting the default privacy settings of all your past posts, images, photos, videos and other updates can be done with a single click. This is necessary as it is sometimes not psychically possible to go around and change each post individually. With this option you can limit the audience of all your past posts on your Timeline to only friends. Which means friends of friends and the public will not be able to see your posts. With this option you can control the privacy of all your past posts on your Timeline.

Note: If you use this tool then all your past posts will be limited to Friends only. If at a later time you want to change it back to friends of friends or public. You will need to go to each post and change it one at a time. There is no single click to revert to past settings.

How to Limit the audience of past posts on Facebook with a single click
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on Cog icon
3. Click on Account Settings

4. Click on Privacy with the Lock Icon

5. Under who can see my stuff. Click on 'Limit past posts'. Agree and save.

Remember that the Global change cannot be undone with one click. Please leave a comment below to further continue this discussion.

What happens when you use the option 'Limit Past Posts'
All your past posts shared with friends of friends and public will now be changed to only friends. This way you can set your Facebook Timeline up and not bother of the past. Grab yourself a clean slate and get on with your activities on Facebook.


  1. how do make liked post not appear on timeline for public?

  2. Go to Activity Log and from there choose 'Not visible on Timeline'.
