

Monday, December 5, 2011

Rock The Post: How it works is by bringing Entrepreneurs, Talent and Investors together

Rock The Post is a Business Social Network which aims to bring together entrepreneurs with great ideas into contact with funding parties to help take ventures to the next level. This is a novel idea as people who have great ideas are always looking for a platform to meet with an pitch their ideas to people who have the cash to back them up. This is an amazing concept and there must be a lot of good that is going to come out of this Business Social Network. The goal of the network is quiet simple to bring like minded people together on a single sharing platform. In the larger sense this will help people who are looking to fund new and innovative projects into contact with people who have new and maybe the next big project.

Rock The Post: How to find an investor or someone with a bright idea
Once you create an account you will then have to start off with your post. when you click on Post, you will see a list of post by people who are already using the service. It is quiet interesting to see all the many ideas floating around. Next you can click on 'Create Post' and add one of your own. Your post can be about your business venture, artistic creation or field of expertise. These post are organized by business categories and can be of two types. Pledges and Investments - so you can ask people to either pledge their time, resources or money. There are also forums and events to helps users connect with each other. 

So if you're the one with all the bring ideas and need some people to collaborate with then Rock The Post is definitely worth a check out. If you do visit and join do let us know your feedback in the comments section below.
Rock The Post

An original post by


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