

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tips for Bloggers: How to check your writing and readability level before publishing

You have probably come here because you have tried your hand at writing and blogging and really wanting a fast method to help you check your writing before you publish your blog posts. Yes, every blogging platform has a spell check and lets you know when your spelled something wrong. This web app however goes a little beyond that and in addition to pointing out spelling mistakes will also give you grammar suggestions and style suggestions. If you are a blogger and cannot wait to get your posts out. You already are aware that there are spelling errors or typos that somehow creep in. In fact among bloggers it is excepted that there will be some typos. This app will help you avoid those typos and even suggest better sentence construction.

PolishMyWriting does exactly what it says, it helps you construct better sentences tells you when something is in the wrong 'voice'. Maybe your tense is wrong or you sentence could actually do with a little bit of clarity.  it does one more thing automatically, it makes you stop, check your writing and then publish. This is a perennial problem among bloggers. Getting things done fast and publishing without checking for typos. So use this app and please let us know your feedback in the comments section below.

An original post by


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