

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Use ClickDummy for free Website and App Usability Testing

You know when you're trying to create a website or an App. There comes a time where you need to start testing and check how everything is falling together. If it is falling together, how it looks, is there a proper flow through the entire website. This is important because testing the site's navigation as you are building it, will bring better results when it is finally launched. ClickDummy can help you with this.

How does ClickDummy work
With this web app yo can start uploading screenshots of each page you are creating and then link them all up together. You can then ask you team or your friends to come help you test it out and see it there is a proper and logical flow to the entire thing. You can turn your Mockups into prototypes to get feedback fast. This will help you in knowing if you are proceeding in the right direction.

Once you upload you pages you can also add comments to sections of the page by drawing a box around it. Once your project is ready you can share the link via ClickDummy's private link. You can then get people to come review and leave comments for you. 
ClickDummy via AppStorm

An original post by


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