

Monday, January 30, 2012

Control who can see my friends list on Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline has a feature that is very similar to the one found on LinkedIn. You can adjust your friends list privacy settings and decide who gets to see your list of friends. There are many reasons you might want to do this on Facebook. Many teens have been leaving Facebook and heading to Twitter citing privacy concerns. Now that their parents, uncles, aunts and grandparents have been sending them friend requests. Their space has slowing been slipping away online. Not to worry, the new Timeline does have some good to it and one of them is the ability to hide your friends list from certain people, or make it public and available to everyone or just visible to your friends. You can also make it visible to once certain lists you have like your business list or close friends list, you get to decide and choose.

How to Control who can see my friends list on Facebook Timeline and adjust full friends list privacy settings
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on your name to bring up your new profile also known as Timeline
3. Click on your list of friends
4. Click on the pencil icon titled 'edit'
5. Click on the Globe Icon
6. You can now choose between public, friends, only me, custom or certain lists only. If you choose custom you can make your friends list visible to certain people or hide it from certain people)
7. Once you make a choice you're done.

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