

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Facebook Listen with friends: How does it work

Facebook has launched a new feature using its open graph initiative, called 'Listen with', allowing all Facebook users to listen to music with their friends. This is a real-time feature and if when your on your Timeline and you see a music icon next to a friend's name in the chat sidebar. You can click on that icon and listen to music with your friends. You can also chat about the song as it's playing. This is a brand new feature and gives people connected to each other to listen to music together and enjoy the song at the same time. 

How to listen to music together with your friends on Facebook?
1. Login to Facebook
2. Look for the music icon next to your friends name in the Chat Sidebar. 
3. Hover over their name in the chat sidebar or the story appearing in ticker
Click the Listen With (Friend's Name) button that appears beside their name with the speaker icon
If you haven't already opened the same music provider as your friend, click the Open button on the next window. Currently only Spotify and Rdio is being supported. 

Important Q&A
1. How do I share the music i am listening to on Facebook
You will need to authorize the two apps that are being supported right now to post and share the music you are listening to right now on your Facebook Timeline.

2. What music sharing apps and players are currently being supported.
Spotify and Rdio

3. How to control who can view songs I am listening to on Facebook
You will need to go to your Apps setting page on Facebook and set your privacy options to either public, only friends, me or customize it further and the songs you listen to will appear only to people you have selected. To adjust your Music Apps privacy settings please click here

4. How does the app decide which songs to post to my Timeline.
When signing up for the app only posts you share on your Timeline will be visible. So only when you give an app permission to share on your Timeline will the songs you are listening to right now appear there. 

5. How to remove songs from my Facebook Timeline
This can be done by accessing your activity log and removing it from there. Once removed it will no more appear on your Timeline.

read more at the Facebook Blog

An original post by


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