

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Facebook Timeline: Control who can view your Timeline and make it private

If you are worried that your new FB profile, now known as Timeline is visible to everyone under the 'Public' settings on Facebook, you can change that now. There is a Global setting reserved for who can view your Facebook Timeline and there are three options available. You can choose between 'Everyone', 'Friends' and Friends of friends'. The implications of this setting would be you can set your Facebook Timeline to private and ensure that only your FB friends are able to view your Timeline. If you do not want everyone who visits your profile to view your Timeline you can limit the audience of your Timeline. 

How to adjust your Facebook Timeline visibility settings
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on the down arrow next to the home button
3. Choose privacy settings
4. Beside 'how you connect' click on 'Edit Settings'
5. Beside 'who can look up your Timeline by name or contact info' click on 'everyone'
6. Now you can choose between 'Everyone, Friends or friends of friends'. Choosing everyone would mean anyone on Facebook or people who find your profile through search engines will be able to view your Timeline, if you choose friends then only your pals can view your Timeline. Friends of friends means people who are friends of your pals can also view your Timeline
7. Choose your privacy option
8. Click done and you're done.

An original post by


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