

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Google results: how to add authorship to your content

By now you are used to seeing the faces of people on Google search results. The reason you are seeing this is because this is the Author's face and Google has been smart enough to attribute the authorship rights to that person. Now there are various way to get this done for yourself but in this post we are going to talk about a simple way to do this, which would require no programming knowledge at all. You do not need to follow any code and is especially good for people who cannot be bothered with adding code to their site. You can add authorship to material you write on the web using Google+. With this option you will be able to get your content displayed as an author of authority on Google search results. This is because Google have launched 'Search Plus Your World' which does one thing that no blog or website owner can ignore. It displays results from people who are recognized as Authors on Google+. This way you can also get more people to add you to their circles. 

How to add authorship to your content using Google+
1. Sign-in to Google+. If you do not have a Google+ account please create one now.
2. Click on Profile. The icon with the face in the middle
3. Click on edit profile
4. Click on 'Contributor to"  and enter the name of your Website, Blog, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page or profile or Twitter feed anything goes and you can claim what's rightfully yours. 

5. Enter the name of your Content
6. Add the URL or site address

7. Click on Save
8. You're done

An original post by


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