

Sunday, January 8, 2012

iKeepem is an online tool to help you keep an inventory of everything you own

iKeepem is a web app that brings a lot of value if especially you want to make a complete list of everything you own. When updating the app with the goods you own you can also upload photos and images of your stuff and the receipts as well. Receipts come in especially handy when, if by chance you are struck by theft or a natural disaster. Receipts seem to be the one thing that really proves your ownership. Once you upload a list of all your goods, you can then check it twice and get adequate insurance cover to protect yourself and all the things you own. Plus the added advantage of having an up-to-date inventory means faster claims processes for insurance claims.

Other benefits would be the ability to track your items and also where you might have stored them. You can also keep a track of all the records of when you repaired what and also what might need repairs and how much it cost you. 

This is an online app and there is no need to install any software on your pc. Since it is online you can login for any system that has an internet connection and check your inventory. The app uses cloud storage and it is always available to you. With the app you can also generate reports about what items and valuables are in which room and this report can help you keep your living space clutter free. So whether you're a home owner or renting a home or apartment, documenting your valuables and belongings should be one of your top priorities. So give it a try and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below

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