

Friday, January 27, 2012

Liveshare: How does it work

There are many destinations on the web for you to upload your photos and share with family and friends. You have Picasa, Flickr and even Facebook, these sites allow you to upload your photos and then share it with family friends or specific people. Liveshare does all this for you with one big difference, it allows real-time sharing. This means you can create a stream and invite your friends to join-in, in that stream. Let's say you are your pals are on vacation and  all of you, can together keep uploading photos or videos to that stream. The photos or videos show up real-time and is available for all to see. So there is one photo or video stream but many contributors. These stream can either be public or private. So while all of you'll are uploading photos or videos people in that stream can check it all out at once, like one big giant album. There is no need to go to each friends profile (Think Facebook) to check out their personal collection of the holiday photos.

You can create either private or public stream. If you create public streams, like when you go for a concert, you can invite everyone at the venue to feel free to contribute to the stream. This way you get a whole lot of people at the concert to add their photos and videos and this really generates a crowd-sourced album for all to check out and enjoy. If you create a private stream you can share it with a few people and only show them photos or videos you want them to see. All of this is synced with the cloud so you and your friends can view stream no matter where you are. There is an iOS app and so your photos can be uploaded from your iPhone or iPad. There is also an Android App available. You can views photos and albums using any modern web-browser. 

To get started

Visit Liveshare on the net

click on upload photos

select photos to upload (works real quick)

Name your stream

choose private or public

Share with friends

That's it - real fast and fun

Liveshare iOS App
Liveshare Andriod App
Live Share is brought to you by Cooliris

An original post by


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