

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pinterest: How does it work

This is the hot new social network on the web, which everyone is talking about these days. It has been in the news for a lot of good reasons and the main one being its phenomenal growth. This social network builds on the fact that people like to collect stuff online converting everyone with internet access into online curators. Breaking down this a little further is Pinterest - which allows you to create a virtual pinboard based on just about any conceivable topic one can imagine. Please go through our small Guide we have put together below. 

1. What is Pinterest?
A place for you to create a board based on images collected from the internet and then pin it up. ONce you create a Pinboard, you can then share it with the public and people who find your content interesting can then follow you. People use Pinterest to collect and share all sort of things. From DJ Equipment to interesting recipes to wedding ring collections, you name it you can now find it on Pinterest.

2. What is a person who uses Pinterest know as?
A pinner 

3. What is the purpose of Pinterest
Now there can be varying purposes and you can use the site as best suits you. Having said this, there is however something that comes across very clearly. The purpose seems to be that people like to create and share things that mean a lot to them. So from creating and sharing meaningful pins, you can also complete your research on something that matters to you on Pinterest. You can find Pins that would match you interest exactly and done by people who really have knowledge on a certain subject. So it will help you by finding people with similar interests and you can follow them and this of course puts people who have similar interests together and knowledge sharing is something we cannot live without.

4. How do i get started?
You will need to land on their official page and request an invite. Be prepared to wait as it might take sometime before the invite arrives.

5. How do i create a Pin?
Pinterest has an official Pin it button with is a simple browser extension. When you come across something you like on the web just click the pin it button and select the corresponding picture. 

Check the video below if you want to know how to create a 'Pin it' and pin stuff to your board.

6. What can I do if I like someone's virtual pin-board
You can Repin, like or comment. You can either follow all of someone's boards or just individual boards. 

7. Can I share my pins on other social networks?
Yes you can tweet your pins or share your pins on Facebook. With the new Timeline on Facebook your pins will lend a lot of glamour to it.

8. Can I create a Pin with my own material
Yes, absolutely. You can create a board based on all the material you have created online.

9. How to navigate Pinterest?
before you get started with creating your board click on the Everything Feed and start looking at what other people are doing. This will give you an idea on how to make your new pin-boards interesting. This is something you might want to do before creating Pins.

10. How to get started?
This question has come last because if you are new then the background above really helps you to understand the service before jumping in. So once you get your invite the first thing is to set up your profile page. You can then start with your Pins. You are given five boards by default. You can use the same topics given on the boards or click on edit to change it to what you like. 

11. Can I Pin a video?
Most pics are pics but you can easily pin videos. Go the the videos section on Pinterest to find an awesome collection of Video Pins and Video Boards. 

12. What is a Pinterest Board?
A pinterest board is a set or collection of pins.
So go ahead now and start pinning your interests and share it with other people. Please leave a comment with what you think about this fantastic new service.
Pinterest for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Pinterest Tutorial Video:

An original post by


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