

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rome2Rio: Travel search engine helps you discover how to get to anywhere from anywhere

Now this is one fantastic web app and for more than one reasons. With Rome2Rio you can discovery how to get from one place to another anywhere on the Globe. You can search for how to get from New York, US to Delhi India. You will be given all the various routs you can use including how to  get from the train station to the airport. Once you land how to get transport to the nearest bus or train station. How much time your entire journey is going to take and all available flights. This does not have to be used for international travel only. you can use the app for domestic and local travel as well. It has fantastic Google Maps integration and local knowledge of travel options available can be pretty awesome. 

In addition to travel details which include flights, train and bus travel. The site offers some amazing eye-opening prices on your travel. By choosing when to fly and checking on the prices you get to see a comparison on the total amount you are going to spend. You can then decide which route you want to travel to reach your destination. You can also check if a direct flight is cheaper in comparison to maybe an alternate route. Sometime the route you choose to reach your destination can be a lot more expensive then some alternate routs show by Rome2Rio. This web app is not new and has already been around for a little while. It is highly recommended as it brings a lot of value and insight and helps you plan your travel while saving money and time. Also adds a little more adventure by offering you various routes to get to your destination. So try it now to learn how to get from anywhere to anywhere in this world. You get complete travel instructions on how to  reach your travel destination including what to do when you reach the airport and what shuttle services are available to get you to where you want to go locally. 

An original post by


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