

Monday, January 2, 2012

Use 21habit if you're wondering how to stick to your New Year Resolutions

Another new year which means a whole load of new year resolutions. We have all been through the grind every time its the New Year, new year resolutions are made and then broken. The idea behind 21 habit is to set a goal for 21 days and make sure you follow through. This is done by deciding how you would like to get your daily reminders. Either via daily email or from the web app / website itself. Once you follow through and are able to stick to your goals and resolutions you can then create new ones to simply stick to the old ones and make them a habit. It seems like a nice idea, getting a daily email reminding you of your goals and new year resolutions and it just might give you the added boost needed to make it work. 

How does 21Habit work?
1. Think of a habit you would like to make or break
2. Decide on the mode you would like to follow there are two modes.
Commitment Mode: Invest $21 each day you stick to your commitment get $1 back
Free mode: Start your 21 day challenge for free and check-in everyday to track your commitment and progress.
3. Check-in every day for 21 days either via Email or Website
4. Complete the 21 day challenge
This web app is brought to you by Microsoft software developer Pranav Goel, and Amazon engineers Himanshu Khurana, Hemanth Pai and Ian McAllister.

An original post by


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