

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Video: Lady Gaga joins Google+

Mama Monster has taken her time coming to Google+. The good news though is that she has landed. Now that mama monster has come, will her little monsters also arrive. After all it is her little monsters (her followers) who made her reach the top-spot on Twitter with over 18 million followers. She has over 46 million Facebook likes and her YouTube channel has over 2 billion views. Impressive numbers on Google+ though she has now been added to only a little over 18 thousand circles. Compare that to Google+'s most followed users. Britney Spears has been added to over 1 million circles on Google+. Google+ has been know to have a lot of Tech people and therefore growth has been slow among teens and young adults. With stars like Lady Gaga coming. Things are set to change, after all it was celebrities who drove up the popularity of other social networks. Starting from earlier social networks like 'MySpace'. Myspace has as of now been lost in Cyber Space but the batter between Facebook and Google+ has been heating up. This is why when celebrities like Lady Gaga arrive things usually change a little bit. A few days more and we can gauge the attention this star brings to Google+. You can add Lady Gaga on Google+ circles here

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