

Friday, January 20, 2012

YipIt: How does it work

YipIt the new start-up is slowly earning a name for itself. YipIt operates in the daily deals space, which features giants like Groupon. YipIt however does not offer any daily deals of its own, this is an aggregation service and bring to you everyday the best deals available for you locally, based on your interests. Daily deal and coupon sites are springing-up everywhere. There seems to be no end of them, you find a new one in every city you visit. Now most of them offer only one or two deals everyday. Most of these deals might not even suit your fancy. Enter Yipit.

YitIt how does it work?
Based on your city YipIt will aggregate all the deals available from over 805 services and serve you only the best based on your predefined likes and interests. The service is currently email based and there is an iPhone App as well. The service is currently available in the US and Canada and you would need to check to see if your city is available. 

The purpose of YipIt is to bring to you the best deals based on your interests. So if you are receiving multiple mails from various daily deal providers. You can stop that for now and start receiving only one email a day from Yipit, the daily deals, sales and coupon search engine. Use it to get the best of all deals available in your city or search for deals available across the country

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