

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Zapaday: How does it work

Zapaday is your free open source calendar. This web app is absolutely free and you can use it to find out what's happening around the world. You can track events by following a calendar that interests you and analyze news stories and events. With Zapaday you can plan ahead, see what's going to happen next week in a certain country. Follow a political event that interests you. An app like this comes with many advantages and no matter who or where you are you can use it to your benefit.

Here is what Zapaday says about its benefits.
As a journalist you can see what will be in the news next week
As a marketer you can plan product launches and see what the competition is up to
If you are political analyst you can anticipate and track and unfolding political events
Event organizers can see opportunities and plan ahead
Scientist, art-lovers and travelers can see where to go worldwide

Things you can do on Zapaday
Add your own news events
Create and publish your own calendar
Become an editor of your favorite calendar

Zapaday scrapes over 4,000 government news and websites and with their editors sort everything in useful calendars. You can subscribe to daily news diaries and calendars. 

An original post by


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