

Friday, February 24, 2012

Change relationship status on Facebook without people knowing

If you are going through a break-up and would like to keep things a little private on Facebook. You can do so in a few steps. Many users like to broadcast their new found love on FB but then things go a little sour and break-ups can become quiet public on Facebook. Especially when you change your status from 'In a relationship', 'Married' or 'Engaged' to 'Single'. All this does not have to happen in front of all your friends and if you are not careful to same goes to all your friends 'news feed'. So if you would like to keep things private and change your status without having your relationship status broadcasted to all your fiends pages, follow the steps below to safely change your status and not let you friends know.

Change relationship status on Facebook without people knowing

How to change relationship status on Facebook without people knowing. 

Steps to follow
1. On Timeline click on About
2. Beside basic info click on edit
3. Beside relationship status choose single or whichever status you desire.
4. Click the Globe icon and from the drop-down choose 'Only Me'. Now only you can view your relationship status'
5. Click Save

1. Beside your 'Relationship Box' click the edit icon
2. Click the globe icon and from the drop-down choose 'Only Me'.
3. Click save and your relationship status will disappear. This way your relationship status stays private and confidential.

What to do if you have already broadcasted your relationship status on Facebook Timeline and want to cancel it. 
1. On your Facebook Timeline click on Activity log and from there find the status and beside the globe icon click on the circle icon. From there choose 'Hide from Timeline'. This will remove your relationship status update from your Timeline and remove it from your friends news feed. Now your free. Please leave a comment with what you think.


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