

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Google's new program will pay users to browse the web

Google has launched a new program called Screenwise. The way it works is that you would need to sign-up for the program and install a Chrome Extension in your browser. This extension will monitor the sites you visit and how you use them. This information will be sent to Google and they will use this data to study user behavior on the web. 

What's in it for you? As soon as you sign-up you get an $5 Amazon.com Gift code, if you stay with the program you will get an additional $5 Amazon Gift Card every 3 months. You can get up to $25 in amazon Gift coupons. To be eligible you would need to be over 13 years of age, have a Google account and be ready to use the Google Chrome Browser. Not surprisingly new sign-ups are currently on hold due to the large response received till now.

There is also another program which has not yet been launched by Google. This is for people who would allow Google to view their browsing habits as an open book. This will involve hardware as well, a special device will need to be attached to your broadband router. This device will monitor all the computers in your home and track all the browsing activity of your home computers. This program will compensate participants $100 for signing up and $20 a month for up to a year. 

Screenwise was launched by Google in order to help the company improve its products and services.
Google Screenwise

An original post by


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