

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Madonna's Israeli fans create Facebook page asking their PM to hold off attack till after May 29th

With all the verbal exchanges happening between Israel and Iran over the Iranian nuclear program. Most Israelis are worried that their PM Benjamin Netanyahu might launch a strike against Iran in the near future. To make their voice heard, there is a Facebook page asking their PM to delay any attack plans till after the 29th of  May. If you click the about link on the page this is what is says: Netanyahu, No! no to war with Iran, untill Madonna's tour visit to Israel in may 29th. Clicking on the Info link on the page you get this message: War of any kind is bad, we call or leaders, prime minister Netanyahu and Barak, to avoid any attack of any kind against Iran or whatever, at least until Madonna's tour visit in Israel. god save the queen. 

The page is quiet simple and has not been able to get a large number of 'Likes'. As of now it is  179 likes and has 10 people talking about it. There is however a lot of conversation happening and each post has a lot of comments. The discussions are heating up with people who like the idea and others who don't. Most do not like the idea with one user saying  'I say hit the Madonna concert on the way to Iran....two birds....'
The Facebook page (Madonna and not war)
Source: Haaretz.com

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