

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinterest: Why is there a waiting list?

Pinterest has caught the imagination of most users and everyone wants to check out this web-app that is in the news almost everyday. So popular that even Facebook is claiming that part of this growth is because of cleaver use of Facebook's open graph and Timeline. What this goes to show is how vital Pinterest is becoming and the way it works is so simple that it becomes addictive. To know more about how it works you can read our earlier post here. It is therefore important to note that with such fast growth no website would have enough server space available and therefore there is a waiting list. There could also be many other  reasons as to why there is a waiting list? the guys who run Pinterest might want people's interest to peak and create a sort of excitement and people would like to talk about their new Pinterest invite. There are many reasons but all of it leading to one place: more publicity.

The best way to get an invite to is ask one of your Facebook friends already using the web-app to invite you or ask a friend who is already using Pinterest to send you an invite. If you request an invitation you would need to wait a few days but if a friend invites you, it arrives immediately. 
Some Pinterest Facts:
The fastest site in web history to reach 10 million users
97% of Pinterest fans are women ( men will follow)
They have only 16 employees
Pinterest generates more referral traffic to websites and blogs than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. 

An original post by


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