

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Salaries of the Top Facebook Execs and how much they earned in 2011

The base salaries of all the top Facebook executives was reveled in the s-1 filing. After the IPO filing on Wednesday the company revealed exactly how much their top execs make and from the look of it you can see how healthy Facebook is. Facebook also said it produced $3.71 billion in revenue last year with most of the revenue coming from advertising on the site, with a profit of $1 billion. So how much does Mark Zukerberg earn in 2011 and the public face of the company Sheryl Sandberg, (COO) actually earn. Here is the breakdown.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO: made a salary of $483,333 in 2011, He also received “other” compensation (Travel, security etc) $783,529, Overall, Zuckerberg received $1,487,362 for 2011
Sheryl Sandberg, COO: had a salary and bonus of $381,966 in 2011, also granted about $30 million in stock awards.
David Ebersman, CFO: $381,966 in salary and bonuses. With stock, total compensation comes to $18.6 million.
Mike Schroepfer, VP of Engineering: $333,833 in salary and bonuses in 2011. Combined this with his bonus and stock awards, he made $24.7 million last year.
Theodore W. Ullyot, VP, General Counsel and Secretary:  $749,583 in salary and bonus and granted about $6 million in stock awards and $110,644 in other compensation.
Source: Washington Post

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