

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Windows 8 will not have a Start button

Microsoft's latest build of Windows 8 will come without a start button. User should be prepared to not have that handy start button that users have gotten used to. Build 8220 will be the final version before the Beta release, now know as the Consumer Preview debuts before the end of this month. This according to a report by 'The Verge'. Users of Windows are familiar with the start button located at the lower left-hand corner of the screen. Clicking on this button would give users the options to open files and folders, Apps and a general path into he heart of their PCs.

The Start button was introduced with with Windows 95 nearly 15 years ago and the new 'Windows 8 Consumer Preview' will do away with it. Pics of the build were leaked on the internet and show a super-bar without the Start Button Orb. According to sources close to The Verge the start button corner will now have something called a hot corner. Hovering with your mouse or swiping with your fingers will bounce you back and forth between the Metro UI and desktop mode. The 'Super bar' first introduced with Windows 7 will remain. With its ability to pin desktop apps.
Source: The Verge 

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