

Monday, March 12, 2012

Apple is now the biggest company in history - $514,000,000,000.00

Apple's stock has continued to sore high above the earth and into deep space, closing on Monday at $552.00 a share. Apple's market cap now exceeds that of Exxon the no.2 company by more than a 100 billion. Apple's market cap over $514 billion,  Exxon's market cap - $403 billion. Apple products have always created waves and with the announcement of the new iPad last Wednesday things have started to look even more upwards. Everything about Apple seems to lead the company up up and away, the superman among all earth-bound companies. Check out these stats for the Decemeber quarter, Apple sold 37 million iPhone, 15.4 million iPads and 5.2 million Macs. All these numbers are really impressive and goes to show Apple's domination in markets it specializes in. 

Many competitors have emerged in the tablet market and many of them have successfully disappeared. Apple have always found a way to dominate the SmartPhone and Tablet market. The new iPad expected out on the 16th comes with something called Retina display. Making the iPad as some analyst speculate able to work in daylight. The screen has 1 million more pixels that a HDTV. This powerful rendering will most-probably come with the ability for users to take their iPad and work in broad-daylight. Siri of iPhone fame has been a popular hit among iPhone users from the time of launch. Apple keeps coming with innovations that give their products that must-have tag. The company has also announced AppleTV going on sale in the US this Friday which promises videos in full 1080p HD. Apple has reached the top has was reported to have more money in the bank than the US government. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. 
Source: IBTimes

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