

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BoxCryptor updates it's Windows and Android Apps

We have previously written about BoxCryptor, the service that lets you encrypt your sensitive files and store them on cloud service like DropBox and Box.net. In short BoxCryptor will let you cncrypt and store you files while on-the-fly. So once you download their app on Windows, Android and iOS. You can keep storing your files while on-the-go and from anywhere. The service has just announced an update to it's Windows and Android apps. This was announced at the London Web Summit 2012, where BoxCryptor was nominated as among the top 4 finalists. 

Version 1.3 for Windows is now ready for download and comes updates like faster and improved spped, made possible through AES Hardware Encryption. The result of which is improved speed by up to 200%. Improved compatibility with other software like portable software. There is also the option os sharing BoxCryptor files over the network

Version 1.1 of the Andriod version is also available and comes with quiet a few improvements. BoxCryptor can detect if you have changed a file after you opened it with BoxCryptor and automatically encrypts the changes to your DropBox. The ability to create new encrypted folders.

There is also serial number support for those who have not been able to download and use the Android app. This is for users who have not been able to purchase the app in Google Play (Android market).

Read more at the BoxCryptor Blog

An original post by


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