

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Facebook Cover Photo Privacy Settings

This post has more to do with what actually happens once you upload a cover photo. Because if you're wondering if the Facebook cover photo has any options for privacy, there are none. You Cover photo is public and that's why when you visit your albums on Facebook you 'Cover Photos' album does not have cog and a drop-down arrow to change privacy settings. The Album only has a globe icon and if you hover over the globe icon you will see a pop-up with the message 'Cover Photos are public'. Facebook Cover Photo Privacy Settings are nil.

This means if you are really concerned about your privacy and you choose a personal photo as a cover pic, be sure that it is visible to everyone. Your Facebook Timeline is like a resume with everything you decide to share with the public visible to everyone. So if there is a pic that you would rather not upload and make visible to the public. Cover Photo is not a place for it, once upload as a cover photo it is visible. Timeline is your new Facebook Profile and when people search for you and if you have Timeline enabled then this is what they see and you cannot make your Cover Photo only visible to a select few friends. 

Facebook Cover Photo Privacy Settings

Over the next few weeks Timeline will be rolled out to all users and whether you are ready or not, it is coming to you. This is the new Facebook profile that will be visible to all. So if there is a pic you do not want visible to the public, be sure not to upload it as a cover photo.

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