

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Facebook: How to allow subscribers

If your happy with the idea of people who you do not known following your public updates on Facebook, this post is for you. Having a lot of people subscribed to your Facebook updates definitely increases your social media clout and bragging rights. The more number of subscribers you have must definitely determine how famous you are. So add the 'Subscribe' button on Facebook and see how many people follow you. Once you have a large number of followers or subscribers on Facebook it is time for you to showoff your new found fame and popularity on Facebook.

How to allow subscribers on Facebook
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click the drop-down button next to 'Home'
3. Click on Account Settings
4. Beside 'Allow Subscribers' click the check box and a tick mark appears.
5. You will now have a 'Subscribe' button below you cover photo.

An original post by


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