

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Facebook Interests Lists: How does it work

Facebook has a new feature and it can be found on the left-hand sidebar of your news feed. Clicking on it will allow you to create a list of people, pages and friends you would like to follow as a separate list. Now this new feature works in a similar fashion to 'Lists' found on Twitter. On Twitter if you want to follow a specific group of people you can group them into a list. Once you click on that list you get all the Tweets from only these specific people. Thereby reducing Twitter noise and first reading only Tweets from these people. These are your favorite people on Twitter. Facebook Interests will function in a similar fashion. You create a list of people you would like to follow. You have three main categories to choose from - 1. Subscriptions 2. Pages 3. Friends.

How to create a list on Facebook Interests
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on the Facebook icon to go to your news feed
3. Go all the way down till you see 'Interests'
4. Hover over interests and click on 'more'
5. Click on create a list to start creating
6. Choose from Pages, subscriptions and friends
7. Tick on the people you want to add to your list and they get added
8. Name your list
9. Set the privacy options - either public, only friends or only you
10. Click 'Done' and you're done.

Note: You can also use the search box to add people to your list. So if you have not yet subscribed to anyone as yet on Facebook. You can do so from the search box and add people to your Interests Lists. Please check the video below for a more detailed look into create Facebook Interests. You can also share your Interests with your pals once your done. They can then subscribe to that list. 

An original post by


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