

Monday, March 12, 2012

Facebook makes it hard to share from Blogger Blogs

Facebook has made it hard for people to share from blogs hosted on blogspot.com. Blogger the platform owned by Google popular among bloggers across the world and used very widely. Is the 43rd most visited site in the world. This shows its popularity among people who want to set up a quick blog, without having to spend any money. Now if you want to share a post from a blogger based blog, Facebook has setup a Captcha check image. This does not apply to well established blogs like the Google Mobile Blog but to lesser known blogs.

Facebook has been contacted regarding the issue but have not yet responded. This is the same treatment given to most Tumblr sites, posting from other blog platforms to Facebook however does not seem to get the Captcha treatment. The way it works is like this, you try to share something on Facebook and users are asked to fill a Captcha - A Captcha is a small image which contains some text which is usually two words and users are asked to type the words as seen inside a text box. This is a check to see if the person trying to share is a human or a robot. On Facebook once the words are entered correctly the post goes through without any problem (Called Facebook Security check). Facebook might be doing this to prevent spammy links being shared but this also stops content from other blogs which have legitimate content. This might also be the result of the social media war going on between the two companies after the launch of Google+, the Facebook competitor. What do you think is the real issue please share you thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: ZDNet via Mashable

An original post by


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