

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Facebook Map: How to add photos

You can add photos to your Facebook map for a little bit of geo-tagging fun. Show your Facebook pals all your photos on your map. Let people travel with you around the world and see you photos taken in various places. Once your friends visit your map they can see your map icons and clicking on it will take them to that place and they can then see your snaps and photos on the map.

How to add photos to your Facebook Map
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on your name and go to your Timeline
3. Click on your Map - Under cover photo. If not visible click the down-arrow and you will find your map icon.
4. Click on Add photos to map
5. All your photos are display in a film-stripe style on top of the map
6. At the bottom you can choose the category - Places Lived, Life events, Trips and Photos
7. Click on an image you want to add to your Map and you will get a drop-down text box 'Where was this taken'. Simply enter the location info. You will now get a list that appears to help you select the correct location.
8. when you have finished adding all your pics to the map click on 'Done Editing'
9. Your Facebook friends can now visit your map and check out all your pics in the places they were taken. 
For more help and info please check out the video below. You comments below please to continue this discussion.

An original post by


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