

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to get a monthly report of all your Google Account Activity via email

Google have taken online privacy to a whole new level. You can now sign-up to get a monthly report of all your activity online in relation to Google and all its products. you can now get a monthly report of your Google search activities - how many times you visited and searched on Google and which countries you logged in from. You can also see how many Gmail emails you sent and received. You can also get a report on how many times your YouTube videos have been viewed.

With this report your monthly activity will be summarized and sent to you and will cover all your Google activity and its related services. So the reports will give you in-depth analysis of your Gmail account. You Google search engine use and your YouTube videos summary. Your web history will have no impact on issued reports. 

Why would you want or need your activity report

You can monitor and evaluate your own use of Google. So if you are planning on going on a holiday you will notice your own top search queries reflected your holiday plans. You can also see how much you use email and how much more and less email was sent by you in a particular month. It will also show you if someone has tried to hack you account from a different country. Since you report tells you from which countries you logged in from. If you notice a country over there that you did not visit. It is advisable for you to use Google's 2-step-verification.  That's why it is right to monitor your own activity.

What is the scope of the report

Right now it only covers Gmail, Google, Google Latitude and YouTube. In the future it is expected that Google will incorporate more of its services into the report like Android Mobile Systems and Google+ its fledgling Social Network. For now you can view all the places you have visited with Google Latitude, the locations you were in when you signed-in, browsers you have used, your most contacted email ID in Gmail, percentage of emails sent vs received and your web history. This will have to do with searches, your top queries and search types whether you searched on the web or used image search etc.  

How do I sign-up for the report

This is an opt-in only feature and to get your reports you will need to turn it on. Head over here and click on opt-in to start receiving your reports

Source: Google Official Blog

An original post by


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